Before reading tutorials, you must understand how use Akrogen plugin.
This section contains tutorials which will learn to you step by step to create your own MyAkrogenCatalog catalog. Tutorials are splitted into two sections :
Before starting tutorials you must create MyAkrogenProject Eclipse project and initialize your MyAkrogenCatalog catalog.
Create Java Eclipse project with name MyAkrogenProject. If you don't want test tutorials with Java context, Simple Eclipse project is enough.
Set src directory as source of your Java project.
Create MyAkrogenCatalog directory into MyAkrogenProject project which must contains the 3 required folder :
Catalog does not have obligatorily to be stored into the Eclipse project, but catalog conception is easier if you set the catalog into the Eclipse project.
Once you have referenced your catalog in MyAkrogenProject project Eclipse, your catalog must appears in the View Catalog :
If catalog doesn't appear in the catalog view, refresh view with Refresh icon in top on the right view catalogue.