Akrogen plugin using

Once you have installed Akrogen plugin, you must configure the Plugin by following next steps :

  • create an Eclipse project (Simple, Java,...) with menu File/New Project.
  • add the Akrogen nature into your projet. With Akrogen nature, your project will able to access to Akrogen catalog.
  • Select the catalog that you want use in your project. If you select none catalog, your project will use catalog defined into Akrogen global preferences. If you have not configure global preferences, Akrogen will use defauly catalog usescases-catalog, the catalog which contains Akrogen usecases detailled into tutorials.

Once thoses steps are ended, you can access to XML components and XML wizards of selected catalog.

When yiu create your own catalog (XML component/wizard, template,...), you can use Akrogen Debug view to debug your XML component/wizard.

Akrogen nature

To add Akrogen nature to your project, you must access to the Add Akrogen Capabilities... contextual menu, after selecting your project abd click on right button of the mouse :

This menu open the following Wizard page :

Click on Finish button. Your project has now the Akrogen nature.

You can now access to a catalog after selecting it.

It is possible to debug XML component/wizard with Akrogen Debug view