
Updating of properties file consist in properties values of properties file.

To do that, you must :

  • define modèle type of properties into component. Whith this définition, you set properties file to update. This model definition will force then user who open the component, to select properties file to update :
            <model key="prop" type="properties" />
  • define with file element, the properties file to update (which refer model).
        <file key="prop" >

    To set properties file to update (which is defined into model), key attribute of the file element must refer key attribute of model element.

  • XUL controls ID must refer property names to update.

prop model is type of which extend java.util.LinkedHashMap.


Par exemple pour le fichier de propriétés :

####### form fields properties
myform.myfield1.text=My field 1
myform.myfield2.text=My field 2
# log properties 
# available values are : INFO,DEBUG,WARN,ERROR,FATAL

Il est possible d'écrire un XML component pour afficher le Wizard page suivant :

La propriété log peut avoir plusieurs valeurs possibles INFO,DEBUG,WARN,ERROR,FATAL. Une dropdownlist XUL permet de rendre plus convivial la mise à jour de cette propriété.

XML Component

Voici le XML component qui permet de gérer ce fichier de propriétés :

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<component dynamic="true" >
        <model key="prop" type="properties" useIntoInput="true" />
    <page title="Update properties file" >
        <description>Update properties file</description>
        <box flex="1" id="" orient="vertical"
          [#assign properties = /]
            <label value="myform.myfield1.text: " />
            <textbox id="myform.myfield1.text" value="${properties['myform.myfield1.text']}" flex="1" />
            <label value="myform.myfield2.text: " />
            <textbox id="myform.myfield2.text" value="${properties['myform.myfield2.text']}" flex="1" />
              [#assign logValues = ['INFO','DEBUG','WARN','ERROR','FATAL'] /]
              <label value="log:" />
              <menulist id="log" selected="DEBUG" >
                      [#list logValues as l]
                  <menuitem label="${l}" [#if l == properties['log']] selected="true" [/#if] />
            <button type="preview" label="Preview..." />
    <file key="prop" />