Updating of properties file consist in properties values of properties file.
To do that, you must :
<models> <model key="prop" type="properties" /> </models>
<output> <file key="prop" > </file> </output>
To set properties file to update (which is defined into model), key attribute of the file element must refer key attribute of model element.
prop model is type of net.sourceforge.akrogen.core.internal.code.properties.ExtendedProperties which extend java.util.LinkedHashMap.
Par exemple pour le fichier de propriétés :
####### form fields properties myform.myfield1.text=My field 1 myform.myfield2.text=My field 2 # log properties # available values are : INFO,DEBUG,WARN,ERROR,FATAL log=INFO
Il est possible d'écrire un XML component pour afficher le Wizard page suivant :
La propriété log peut avoir plusieurs valeurs possibles INFO,DEBUG,WARN,ERROR,FATAL. Une dropdownlist XUL permet de rendre plus convivial la mise à jour de cette propriété.
Voici le XML component qui permet de gérer ce fichier de propriétés :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <component dynamic="true" > <models> <model key="prop" type="properties" useIntoInput="true" /> </models> <input> <page title="Update properties file" > <description>Update properties file</description> <box flex="1" id="" orient="vertical" xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"> [#assign properties = prop.properties /] <hbox> <label value="myform.myfield1.text: " /> <textbox id="myform.myfield1.text" value="${properties['myform.myfield1.text']}" flex="1" /> </hbox> <hbox> <label value="myform.myfield2.text: " /> <textbox id="myform.myfield2.text" value="${properties['myform.myfield2.text']}" flex="1" /> </hbox> <hbox> [#assign logValues = ['INFO','DEBUG','WARN','ERROR','FATAL'] /] <label value="log:" /> <menulist id="log" selected="DEBUG" > <menupopup> [#list logValues as l] <menuitem label="${l}" [#if l == properties['log']] selected="true" [/#if] /> [/#list] </menupopup> </menulist> </hbox> <hbox> <button type="preview" label="Preview..." /> </hbox> </box> </page> </input> <output> <file key="prop" /> </output> </component>